Disclaimer: I don't own anything Psych and I am not making any profits off of this story. Can he put the past behind him and settle down in his home town after all he's been through? And can he do it trouble free? Ha! Good one. The goofy brainless psychic. When Shawn works around the system to hide a case he’s working on, the secret might just blow up in his face. "Hey… Dad," said Shawn, giving his father a toothy smile. That's how long Henry sat in the plane's coach section, anxiously drumming his fingers on the armrest. And now, it seemed like he was in one of those impossible situations again. "That's very sweet of you, Rachel, but I don't think Rebecca—" "I don't want a daddy. Everyone seemed to freeze for a second as they tried to absorb what had happened; and then they exploded into action. , Henry S. . They'd never really approved of the friendship. Major Spoilers: Spellingg Bee and Pilot. Shawn was coming to take him to the other side Henry just knew it. - Words: 3,088 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 299 - Follows: 37 - Published: 10/21/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5458471 +. Henry climbed the stairs to Shawn's apartment. But, if Shawn did . He hadn't been out to the range for several weeks, so he. Five times Shawn realizes he's in love with Juliet, and one time he tells her. The story will start on Chapter 2, which shall be uploaded next week, I just wanted to try. Shawn groaned, his head still throbbing, though it was less than what it had been before. A series of 5 scenes where the Detective hears about Shawn's ability, and one where he finally sees it. "Hey Shawn," Jules chirped, looking only marginally better than her partner. The two interrogators stared at the badge, shocked beyond belief. He'd tried to defend his friend and the influence he had on Gus' life, but he'd found it hard. Shawn's hand met the cool metal of the gun, and he slowly started to. "Get up, Spencer!" Having much less patience with Shawn than Gus did, when he got no response, Lassiter walked into the kitchen. There's no reason to say anything. "Is that my shirt?",Shawn stoped with getting free but just shock his head and ropes. Carson owned that bakery downtown with his wife. It hadn't bothered him that first time. A half-an-hour later, he was driving his motorcycle in the near-pitch black. "Shawn," exploded Lassiter, looking pretty pissed. Supernatural (71) Doctor Who (23) Criminal Minds (23) Mentalist (21)Shawn asked, confused, as his whole body turned numb. - Complete. "You're right, I am smart. "Oh for crying out loud," Lassiter exclaimed, and Shawn visibly flinched at the suddenly harsh tone. I had no idea where to continue the story to, so I kind of ended it here. A hand tightens on him, and strokes him until Carlton comes, alone, his own hand on himself, the name "Shaw-" on his lips. Of course, for Shawn, taking time was only about a second. He texted her and told her to meet him at the Psych office; when she got there the place was lit up with candles and he had arranged for them to share a beautiful candle light dinner. She couldn't believe she was crying. A/N: Thought it was time I post a few. Carlton runs his hands up sweat slickened skin the color of golden honey. Carlton took his hands off of Shawn's face and wrapped them around his waist before pulling the younger man towards him. Shawn Spencer sat at his desk at the Psych Detective Agency, watching the agency's new plasma TV, and playing with his desk toys. His father, Detective Henry Spencer knew Shawn was different. 1986. " Shawn said, breaking the Psychmobile and double-parking in front of what he recognized as Lassiter's car. Psych in: Fake Psychic vs. If you want to see interactions between the characters you might want to give this a pass since it’s pretty much almost entirely Shawn focused for at least the first 100k words, but the premise is pretty interesting, combining both the “Shawn. I've written for Lost and Chuck as well, but had been on a hiatus of sorts when I saw Shawn 2. Still focused on putting his weight on the wound, Lassiter almost missed the whisper from Shawn, almost. "A few hours in a holding cell might jog your memory. V show Psych, can she find a way to survive? Carlton/OC and Shawn/Juliet eventually. Shawn was still studying the pattern of the boat's wooden planks, and that was when something inside of Henry snapped. Pairing: Shawn/Lassiter. " The nurse sighed, there was only minimal evidence from Shawn's attempt at throwing up before. We're gonna get in trouble!" Gus told him. Murphy. Shawn wandered the lobby while Carlton and Juliet checked them in. Definitely not the Psych office unless they had suddenly lost the right to have a ceiling. Shawn sat on the couch and immediately fell asleep. (Psych with Shawn and Gus. ]"Shawn used to be my best friend," Gus elaborates, "He left town after graduation, and went travelling. The door was a bright yellow and a pastel colored wreath of artificial flowers hung in the middle of the door. " Shawn fell silent, staring fixedly at some point beyond Gus's head. "So, This Is Dying (I'd Rather Be Eating Pineapple)" I. FanFiction | unleash. "Shawn!" Henry rushed forward, kneeling next to his son and putting a hand on his arm. "Well, actually your phone's dead. . TL;DR: was Shawn taught by his father to use a gun. The hotel was very standard as hotels went. -"You've Got Time" by Regina Spektor. The two goons in front of him had fallen to the ground, blood spurting from the pinpoint accuracy of hitting their joints at their elbows, rendering their arms useless and weaponless. I'm just borrowing and playing with. Hi Psych Fans! This is my first Psych fanfic, so I would appreciate some criticism after you have done reading this. Shawn: Relaxes a little against Lassie's chest. "It's okay. He opened his eyes, hoping his father hadn't moved the bucket from earlier. Flesh wound smesh wound. Then, swinging around, Shawn pointed the gun at the mafia members in front and fired twelve times rapidly and consecutively. LOL. Martin glanced at… Jules. Shawn had packed his things: he had canceled. "A haircut?" Shawn's hand instinctively covered the top of his head. Summary: "I'd rather be dead," Lassiter said blandly, crossing his arms. Jack Harris thought failing math was the worst thing that ever happened to him. " Gus let out a sigh of relief, immediately hugging Lassiter awkwardly and Shawn started laughing. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. Shawn tries to get to the bank by going over the hood of the car, Lassie holds him back. Psych - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 30 - Words: 47,763 - Reviews: 270 - Favs: 238 - Follows: 190 - Updated:. Rating: T for death. , Carlton L. Juliet ran forward, gently pressing a hand to Shawn's chest in order to signal to let her go first. Juliet finds out it is hard to be the mother of a 16 year old girl who has a personality identical to hers. In a hours time they had laid there tanning, Shawn turned over half way though and kept his eyes shut the whole time and Juliet stuck to her no touching rule. Mr. No one knew. For some reason he had agreed to try another movie with his son. " Shawn searched her face for a hope. "I'd rather be dead," Lassiter said blandly, crossing his arms. The four of them walked toward Vick's door, but as they neared it Shawn sped up and so did Lassiter. " One-shot. A Broken Spirit By: abbywesten. His eyes started to close and he tried to force them open, tried to fight the darkness that was encroaching on his vision. Shawn Spencer was dead… and he committed suicide. Psych pairings: Shules - Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara. It makes you seem pretty crazy. "Did you want to talk?"The (Wrongly) Accused by Olivia94 reviews. I forced myself to give her a name. Psych Fanfic For FanFictionNet Title: Accusations and Ramifications Author: Olivia Sutton Warnings: Implied violence (against a child) Rating: PG-13/Teen Spoilers: None. Not at all. The second Shawn caught sight of the detective his face cheered. But there was no warmness, no feeling. Psychphransico was destroyed. Well this is the end of the first chapter of another one of my psych Fanfics. Now about twenty years later, he is still sucking her into his problems right along with Gus. Author's note: This is not a continuation of my other Shassie story, this is a different story. Shawn has a bad night. Don't pretend that you think I do when you know I know that you know I don't. Sequel to "Tomorrow". Shawn Spencer, young 27-year-old looking for job, trying to tackle adult life probably years too late. " A sarcastic reply. Angst and friendship/family - no slash. A New Shawn. "Mister Spencer if you don't leave my office at once I'll be arresting you. "Whooa,go team!",Shawn yelled from the back of the truck. 9K 313 8. Prologue. Gus gently loosened the knot and handed the multi-colored tie off to Shawn. Shawn could take anger, he had been in many arguments with his father. All under the same username. Psych Crossovers Show All Psych Crossovers. Juliet placed her hand on her face to hide her expression from the others. *Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark tag* Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort - Shawn S. and the one time he did" for a challenge on psychfic. Because. It may not be how you want things, but I tried to take. It was the beginning of his sixth month at his lifeguard job down at Pacific Emerald Cruise Lines, and that particular night he decided to work a little overtime and by the time Shawn left, it was already getting dark. After years of being stuck under the thumb of a local crime lord, Shawn Spencer is looking for a way out when one night an answer stumbles haplessly into his club. Once all of them were situated in the office - Henry and Gus sitting, Lassiter standing behind them, Shawn off to the side with Juliet - Chief closed the blinds after Henry respectively closed it. Change of Heart (A Psych Fan-Fic) Kaylee Worthington isn't your typical, rich teenage girl. He spent a few minutes flat on the floor, amazed that he was still alive. Shawn stared down at a small stick that was now in his hand. This is my second Psych fanfiction. . It hurt like hell and bled like crazy. While Gus and Jules are enjoying a relaxing weekend away at a ski resort, Shawn and Lassiter find themselves getting roped into a quickly escalating murder mystery. Placing a hand against his cheek, she nearly jumped back. Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 24,990 - Published: Jun 24 - Shawn S. - Chapters: 25 - Words: 41,070 - Reviews: 157 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 7/18/2010 - Published: 3/3/2010 - Status. Not even Gus knew what was in there. Telling a woman that you lift dead bodies around for a living is a one way ticket to Singles-ville; the place where you end up living with a stolen dog and an unconscious friend in your foyer. " I looked at the holding cell where other prisoners were. Can't feel. A moment later he saw an orderly pushing a wheelchair down the hall with Shawn Spencer looking a little worse for wear. "Oh, and Shawn – please be sure and remember the confidentiality agreement you signed. Just then, Shawn's gaze landed on the man's name tag. BAMF Carlton Lassiter. "That's my name. All the emotions that had built up while Shawn was missing, when Shawn had said those three words, they just came tumbling out. Why was this happening to him? "Dad!" Oh god Shawn's voice was getting louder, Henry knew it, he was in such a deep state of shock that he was having a heart attack. Disclaimer: I in no shape or form own Psych. No copyright infringement intended. "Yes! Lassie welcome to team Psych. besides that he's gay, psychic, and still not over his. Working on a strange case, including a woman that had killed her lover, some drug dealers that don t step back from killing police officers, a haunting in Lassiters new house and some crazy grandma. 15. Shawn tried to shift out of the way, inadvertently putting more weight on the. Not all the victims had stayed at the same hotel, so they'd picked the one that the majority had stayed with. Pitted against his friends on the police force, Shawn now must try and clear his name. He closed his eyes quickly, but the spinning feeling didn't disappear. I also don't like writing Henry for some reason, ugh, the next Psych fic I write is going to have him win a holiday somewhere just so I don't have to worry about him. She has grown up in buffalo her whole life. A half-hour later Gus was starting to get worried. What do they have in common? Intended Shules, No Slash, pre season 6 finale, lots of spoilers up to season 6. FanFiction | unleash. He couldn't stop fidgeting, couldn't just stay put; he was afraid that maybe if he stopped moving, stopping bouncing and plotting. "Dude, be careful," Shawn hissed. Shawn living with the aftermath of his surgery; the surgery risks and enduring his scar that everyone is so damn curious about. I think writers who use it tend to know the Psych characters and canon much better than those on general fic sites, though that's just my opinion. As if under a spell, for a few moments, all was still; then the confused murmuring started. He couldn't take being alone, being silent. Slightly dazed by the sudden and unexpected attack, Salamatchia cried out in pain and Shawn was wrenched away from him. Shawn rapped his knuckles on the door and then rubbed his mouth with his left hand. Disclaimer: I do not own Psych. Too cold. " "I don't know, Shawn - Juliet was right: motive, means, and opportunity. " Shawn exclaimed offering out a hand for a high-five. For a moment, there was more silence, broken only by Shawn struggling to breathe and the occasional bird chirp. First: The attempted murder of police chief Karen Vick who now went from interim to full due to the fact Trout planned the assassination. Xxx "Dude. Shawn began to let out a few softer punches, trying to get a feel for it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything at all. besides that he's gay, psychic, and still not over his mother's death. He looked up to check on the progress of his army, sweet, the circus in the middle of the precinct was well under way. Shawn was startled for a moment, but then a sob broke free and he melted into his father's arms. Shawn turned around and found Amy running towards them screaming at full speed. Hefting Shawn into his arms, Buzz turned back toward the station. On the edge, a girl about 16 stood. Spencer?" She asked. " "I think I'm gonna go take a dip in the water. Tastes saltiness beneath his tongue. Psycho Stalker. Since Shawn wasn't likely to be going anywhere, Gus left the door unlocked when he left. A Study in Shawn. It started to crack underneath him.